An inspiring story of an industrialist who changed his life just by keeping in view his optimistic thoughts. The most compelling aspect of this person is his “optimism” and “positivity”.
Tag: passion
Dr. Singh also covers the particular subject of motivation in his book “Motivate yourself before motivating others”. He emphasizes the significance of motivation by saying that one cannot borrow someone else’s motivation and use it in their own lives.
Dr. Singh also covers the particular subject of motivation in his book “Motivate yourself before motivating others”. He emphasizes the significance of motivation by saying that one cannot borrow someone else’s motivation and use it in their own lives.
Life is a huge ocean of choices where the possibilities are endless. On this vast ocean, your ship keeps on rocking in the wind-driven waves and waits for its direction. These possibilities and choices are not always transparent. They are not always clear to us.
Dr. Singh also covers the particular subject of motivation in his book “Motivate yourself before motivating others”. He emphasizes the significance of motivation by saying that one cannot borrow someone else’s motivation and use it in their own lives.
SMART is an acronym for how the successful entrepreneur of the 21st century will manage their interactions with their customers, their suppliers, their employees, their potential clients, and with their own business integrity. Broken down, the acronym stands for: S: Sincere; M: Modern; A: Ambitious; R: Real; T: Trained
Our Mental Health plays a very crucial role in defining our holistic well-being. Only through a sound mind, one is capable of generating positive and good thoughts.
Music is energetic, Music is relaxing. When we enjoy a piece of fine music, we explore our core emotions. By expressing through songs and music, we connect better with people and find common inspiration.