“The International Guide to Seafarers” is for all those who are linked with the shipping and maritime industry one way or another. This book is not targeted to any specific race or class. From sailors and crew members to managers and seafarers, this book is equally beneficial for every part of the shipping industry! This book will surely change the future of the shipping industry.
Tag: manning
Ancient maritime history goes back to thousands to years. There are many civilizations that are involved in the creation of the glorious maritime industry that stands today. However, not many of us are aware of those civilizations and their history.
Everyone on this globe benefits from the maritime and shipping industry but there are only a few people who realize its true importance. From shipping food and medicines, these vessels serve as the backbone of our global economy.
Every problem has a solution and a good manning company is directly responsible for dealing with seafarers in sympathetic manner keeping in mind the harsh conditions they work in, that too away from their families for long period of time.
When you go for any new sales pitch, try and talk openly with potential ship owner or manager and I am sure they will open up to you which will lead to great chances of knowing their problems and challenges. It becomes much easier to offer solutions once you know their challenges…
Why and how to develop quality culture as a medium to built a team that is strong and stable at the core? It is also very important to have Head of Company who can lead from the front, keeping all these qualities in mind…
Explore the tenets of the first rule that all people, including myself, must follow to ensure an impeccable reputation as s hip manning personnel or agency or company…
“Managing men means first managing ourselves.”
To make any company successful, all team members should have an action plan in mind: What, How, When. He can plot his course of success by answering these 3 simple questions to himself.